Competitors must compete at a minimum of one show during the season in the same division(s) to qualify for the Trillium Championships and minimum 50% to qualify for year-end awards and be a member in good standing with the THJA.
The highlight of the Trillium Circuit is the annual Championship Show. Each of the seven zones in Ontario is invited to send their top seven competitors in each of the core divisions to compete against the top seven from the other zones. Today the Trillium Circuit boasts 21 divisions that include everyone from the short stirrup children, to adult amateurs and even industry professionals. There is a place for green horses to be developed by strong riders, as well as for seasoned veterans and schoolmasters to teach inexperienced riders. Each division at the Championship Show can draw as many as 49 competitors! This environment makes for a very competitive show every September and a wonderfully fun event to end the show season.
The Objectives of the Association (THJA) are to:
To teach, foster, encourage and promote Hunter/Jumper competitions in Ontario;
To promote the development, improvement, encouragement, and upgrade of exhibitors, trainers, officials and show management; and
To create, develop and foster standardization of shows.
The Trillium Hunter & Jumper Association publishes the yearbook and within this document are the divisional specs for the year.
Each year the Central West Trillium Zone hosts an award banquet to honor the top 10 riders/horses in each division and the top 10 equitation riders in each group. The banquet occurs at the end of the season and is the highlight of the year-end for all the competitors.
In keeping with the mission statement and objectives of the organization, the Trillium Hunter Jumper Association has divided the province into seven geographical zones. The main premise behind this decision was that competitors would not have to travel significant distances on a regular basis to be involved in the horse show circuit. They can show relatively locally, and complete their division in one day. This geographic division of the province has served the organization very well in that on any given weekend, there can be as many as seven Trillium Shows on!
Each of the zones holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) where the THJA membership of that particular zone elects a local board of directors (President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and Two Directors at Large). The president and vice president as elected by the THJA membership, then go on to serve as directors at the THJA board level.
The THJA board then holds the THJA AGM in March where the 14 directors elect a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer to serve two year terms. An autumn meeting is also held annually in October to discuss the horse show schedules, and other pertinent issues. It is at this level that decisions are made about rule changes, championships show, membership and show standards. Any issues that arise at the zone level are brought forward to the THJA board of directors to be addressed.